THY KINGDOM COME: A stunning prayer station has been set up in church to take the form of reflections on Trinity’s beautiful stained-glass window. The nine days between Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday (this year from May 18 to May 28) is known as a Novena, and the event focuses on this year’s theme for Thy Kingdom Come, which is ‘Will you light up the world in prayer?’
District Chair Phil Gough will be visiting at next Thursday at 4pm for a time of prayer and reflection, and there will be bookmarks to take away from this activity. The Prayer Station will be open whenever the church sanctuary is free.
To help launch TKC in Clitheroe, Turret House of Prayer will be holding 24 hours of non-stop prayer from 5pm on Friday, May 19n through to 5pm on Saturday May 20.
Space can be booked via:
Alternatively, gathered prayer events taking place will include ‘Breathe’ prayer and worship at 7.30pm on the Friday night, a prayer breakfast at 9am on the Saturday, lunchtime prayers at 12noon, and finishing with an all-age prayer event from 3pm to 5pm on the 20th.





