Our Church

About Our Sunday Services in Church

Welcome to our church. Our aim as a community is to work out together what it means to love God and to share the love of God in practical ways. We do this by caring for one another, our community and our world.

The Sunday morning worship from 10am to 11am is led by a different local preacher or Minister on a rota each week. This means that service styles vary, depending on the person leading the service, but generally contain a mixture of modern and traditional worship.

Most weeks, our tots to teens become Treasure Seekers, joining the adults in church for the first 15 minutes and then leaving to take part in their own activities. Once a month there is All Age Worship, often with musicians, when the children stay throughout the service. “Quiet bags” are available with toys to occupy younger ones, though we like children to be seen and heard.

Everyone in the congregation is actively encouraged to take bread and wine or receive a blessing during the Holy Communion services if they wish to. It doesn’t matter if you are from a different denomination, or whether you are a child or an adult. You don’t need to have been baptised or confirmed.

Tea, coffee and soft drinks are served after the morning service in our recently-completed, fully refurbished Community Hub. This area has accessible toilet facilities (as does the church) and both areas have a hearing loop.

Once a month we hold a quieter, meditative Sunday evening service at 6pm. In addition to Sunday worship there are smaller house groups and bible study opportunities. We have fellowship groups, a short mid-week service at particular times of the year and regular coffee mornings.

The community is also enriched with a men’s group, two walking groups, a drama group and a knit and natter group, to name a few. We also have regular special gatherings. Our premises provides a hub through which we serve the wider community with over 40 different users including the Foodbank and the Ukrainian support project.