The theme for last Sunday’s special worship was ‘Care for God’s Earth’. The service was led by local preacher Peter Lumsden from Whalley Methodist Church and various Eco-Group members contributed. Brennan Bridgeman read from Job 42:1-6….a passage that expands on the theme that as human beings we don’t always know everything. Hub Manager Carol and her French exchange visitor, Marie, read Mark 10:46-52 which on the surface is an account of Jesus restoring the sight of blind Bartimaeus, but on digging deeper reminds us that there is a big difference between knowing ‘about’ something and really ‘knowing’.
The singing group sang a witty parody of the hymn ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’, written by Jim Hope, about our supermarket shopping habits including lines such as ‘Come on Christian shoppers, caught in trolley trap; You are just a small speck on a global map’.
The hymn ‘Go as far as you can See, written by our own Bev Jones, was also sung and Eco Champion Archie shared progress of Trinity’s Eco journey.
Christine Beggs led a reflection which encouraged the congregation to (in the words of the late Michael Mosley) make ‘Just one change’ in the coming year.
At the beginning of the service everyone was encouraged to take leaf from the front of church and reflect on it’s beauty. At the end, they were asked to swap this leaf for another in the pile which was inscribed with a word of scripture. The hope was this acted as a reminder of their commitment through the coming months to be an agent for change.

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