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As lockdown restrictions change there are more ways to enjoy worship at Trinity and keep Covid safe throughout May 2021.



Our weekly Zoom service starts at 11am, with an opportunity join the meeting early from 10.30am to catch up with friends or stick around afterwards for a virtual coffee in breakout rooms. We also have a freephone telephone line if you prefer to listen.

Here’s the link to receive registration details:



Trinity is open for live, in-person, 30-minute services at 4pm on Sundays throughout May. The worship includes prayers, hymns to reflect to (not to sing!), a reading, sermon, prayers for others and a blessing. There are spaces for 30 people and in the first instance these will be available to those who have been unable to join us on zoom. Bookings are taken by the stewards, on a first-come-first-served basis, before 5pm on the Wednesday before each Sunday. If there are places left, then it will be made open to all until Thursday 5pm. This will enable the track-and-trace element of our gathering. We are not yet in a position to offer Treasure Seekers and we must
ask that any children remain near to the adult responsible for them.

TO BOOK for 9th May – phone Heather Whittaker 01200 429112, 07742568297

All the necessary Covid protocols will be in place. Please wear a face covering and use hand gel on arrival; you will be
shown to your seat, there will be no singing, please do not mingle with anyone outside your bubble, there will be queuing and maintaining of distances. After the service please leave the building without congregating near the doors. Only come to
worship if you feel well. If you are showing any signs of Covid please follow government advice, stay home and get tested.
These arrangements will be kept under review, and depending on the numbers coming and what is going on with the
pandemic – we may need to adapt accordingly. Please keep an eye on the notices for the very latest information.  (Rev Ian)