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Stunning art from Veterans

The latest exhibition at Trinity’s Hub Gallery features work by the Veterans in Communities Art Group. The groups meets twice a week at the VIC Centre in Haslingden and members had limited art experience before joining. The veterans paint for the enjoyment and it’s therapeutic benefits but seeing their work on display builds self esteem…

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Crafty fun at Coffee Stop

There was no stopping us this morning at our monthly Coffee Stop. Although the sun shone, the warm brews and bacon and sausage butties were definitely needed in the Autumn cold snap. We launched our new exhibition at the Hub Gallery which features work from the Veterans in Communities Art Group. VICs Darren and Graham…

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Colourful characters at Hub Gallery

This month’s Hub Gallery exhibition features work by artist Craig Hawthorne. Entitled Strange Days: The Unusual Cast of Crazy Celebrations, Craig introduces a colourful cast of characters who embody the essence of the most peculiar holidays you’ve never heard of. Sketched in ballpoint pen and brought to life with vibrant digital colour, each illustration captures…

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Coffee Stop is back!

Coffee Stop was back after the summer break on Saturday, and as usual it welcomed people from the community with wonderful refreshments, activities and music. This month proceeds were for Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA) and visitors were able to purchase jigsaws, greetings card and cakes, and the youngsters could enjoy ‘Craft with Claire’…

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Blooming Marvellous

It was all systems go when Trinity’s amazing garden volunteers met with Judge Sue from the Royal Horticultural Society last week. She was here to assess Trinity as a ‘Starter’ in the category of Community Garden. Each section was explained with attention to detail and pride by the people who have worked so hard to…

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Capturing the community

The latest exhibition in the Hub Gallery has rather a special place in our heart. The vision for the Community Hub amongst the members of Trinity Methodist Church began 20 years ago. There are now over 60 different activities taking place every month. Local church member and former GP, Will Mackean, came to us some…


And that’s a wrap!

A weekend of celebration for all things Trinity culminated in a special service of dedication on Sunday. Led by Rev Ian, thanks were given to God for granting us the vision and skill to re-build our house of prayer to serve the community. A red ribbon, held by children, was then officially cut by Jean…

Mosaic making

Beauty in broken pieces

Our wonderful mosaic, Tree of Life, is almost complete and ready to be displayed. Symbolising what Trinity means to many people in many different ways, the piece of artwork, which has been completed by visitors to our grand opening week, the Ark Experience, is a feast for the eyes. We cannot thank our friends Jo…


We did it!

After months of prepping, planning, and endless hours of hard work from Team Trinity, our Ark Experience Coffee Stop took place this morning, as part of the grand opening weekend. There was a sea of smiling faces enjoying, not only the ark-themed activities, but also the dulcet tones of our very favourite Arthur Geldard Music.…


Ark antics at Trinity youth group

There was fun and games at last week’s Pizza the Action, which picked up on the Ark theme in advance of our grand opening celebration at the end of the month. With animal face painting and rainbow bracelet making, a pizza supper and badminton and board games on offer, it was a great opportunity for…

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Let us tell you a story…

May 24, or Wesley Day, celebrates the anniversary of the day when John Wesley attended a church meeting at Aldersgate Street in London and experienced something which he described as his heart being ‘strangely warmed’. This infilling of the Holy Spirit acted as a turning point in his Christian ministry and the eventual founding of…

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Groundforce in Action

Volunteers for Trinity’s Community Garden have been working tirelessly to get the space spruced up. Last Tuesday saw the group turn out to help plant, clear and sort the courtyard area. Thank you so much everyone!  

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Ponder as you Wander

We really were blessed by the weather for our Ponder as You Wander prayer walk last Sunday. Trinity’s Eco group approached local preacher Christine Beggs and asked her to design a special prayer walk exploring the environment around our church. She did such a wonderful job, and, as we to paused to reflect on the…

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Getting Jazzy at Coffee Stop

The truly amazing Arthur Geldard treated us to his wonderful singing at this morning’s Coffee Stop as part of the Ribble Valley Jazz and Blues event. Every chair was taken, every spot occupied and the kitchen volunteers will be ready for a much-earned rest! We love being part of this hugely-popular community event!

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Sew far, sew good.

Visitors to this morning’s Coffee Stop were treated to live demonstrations from textile artists Sheila Parkinson, Juliet Tomkins and Maureen Wallace, who are the latest exhibitors in our Hub Gallery. The ladies are a small group of textiles artists, who met whilst doing a creative textiles course at Nelson and Colne college in 2009. They…