TRINITY’S Drama Group recently performed a thought-provoking performance of “The Seeker” by Stephen Phifer to a packed audience at Trinity Methodist Church. The cast of thirteen, directed with care and understanding by Madeline Adey, expertly told the story of a journalist’s investigation of the Jesus story.
Steuart Kellington, as “The Seeker”, took the audience through seven scenes, each one being an imaginary encounter with the characters he is studying. With clarity and a command of the stage, the Journalist, met Mary and Joseph, played with sensitivity by Kate Walmsley and Tim Bridgeman respectively. He further sought to interview John the Baptist, played with passion by Roy Porter. Mary Magdalene appeared as soulful and sad, portrayed with compassion by Pat Bowker. Nicodemus and Claudius appeared next, challenging the Journalist, and played with conviction by Leon Saberton and Richard Thornton. A spirited Mary and Martha, along with their brother Lazarus continued to make the Journalist, and the audience, think and reflect. The team of Helen Coles, Kathryn Humphreys and Andrew Piercy aptly gave humour and seriousness to their performances. Paul and Timothy gave the penultimate scene dignity, beautifully played by Gerry Purchase and Rev Ian Humphreys. Special appreciation was recorded for Rev Ian stepping into the performance at the last moment due to Thomas Humphreys being poorly. We wish him a speedy recovery. Finally, James spoke of the relationship with his brother Jesus and the impact of his life on those in his family. William Burns delivered challenging dialogue with emotion and boldness.
As the lights came up, and the audience clapped enthusiastically, thanks were also expressed to the Projection Team of Tim and Brennan Bridgeman, the Sound and Lighting Team of Dean Braithwaite and Stuart Robinson, and the ever kind Refreshments Team. Trinity Drama group expressed their thanks to Cr Stephen Phifer of Phifer Drama Services for permission to perform, and to Clitheroe Christians in Partnership for their financial support. A good evening was had by all, and as people drank their coffee and made their way home, the story of Jesus was fresh in their minds.
By Ruth Thompson