
Update from Bugginham Palace!

The Trinity Community Garden Bug Hotel, Buggingham Palace, is well and truly established now and has been up and running for several months. Careful scrutiny will identify “bugs” that have been produced in special eco craft events at recent Trinity Eco Coffee Mornings (Aka Coffee Stops). Bookings are now available at special discount rates for…


Caring for God’s Earth

The theme for last Sunday’s special worship was ‘Care for God’s Earth’. The service was led by local preacher Peter Lumsden from Whalley Methodist Church and various Eco-Group members contributed. Brennan Bridgeman read from Job 42:1-6….a passage that expands on the theme that as human beings we don’t always know everything. Hub Manager Carol and…

Ponder 2

Ponder as you Wander

We really were blessed by the weather for our Ponder as You Wander prayer walk last Sunday. Trinity’s Eco group approached local preacher Christine Beggs and asked her to design a special prayer walk exploring the environment around our church. She did such a wonderful job, and, as we to paused to reflect on the…


Flower Power collage of colour

A huge thank you to everyone who sent in pictures of Spring flowers for our Facebook Flower Power feature. Trinity’s Eco Group felt that sharing the beauty of creation throughout the month of March, was a really positive thing to do and we have been overwhelmed by the response. From garden flowers to river bank…

Bug Hotel Coffee Stop 1

Bugginham Palace construction

The foundations for the Trinity Community Garden Bug Hotel were laid today with the help of Helen Smith from Ribble Rivers Trust. Visitors to the Easter Saturday Coffee Stop were invited outside to help with the outfitting of Bugginham Palace, and by the end we had created a four-storey mansion. Further storeys and a roof…

Garden clear1

Happy Helpers

AN APPEAL for volunteers last week, to help clear leaves and leaf mould from the back of the hub, yielded strong results. The area, which has been neglected for many years, is hoped to be the site of raised beds, as part of the new Trinity Community Garden. Despite the cold, damp weather, Paul, William…

TEC meeting Jan 24

Climate Action

Trinity Eco Group held their first meeting of 2024 last week. Members have been working hard and intend to submit the application for a Silver Award to A Rocha in the Spring. ECO GROUP: L-R standing Carol, Archie and Robert. L to R sitting Fiona, Claire, Anita and Lisa.

toilet twinning Nov 23

Vital focus ahead of World Toilet Day

THIS Sunday sees World Toilet Day and Trinity Eco Group are throwing the spotlight on this global problem. It is not generally known that, although proper sanitation is a basic human right, approximately 2.5 billion people lack regular access to a toilet! Even then, most toilets around the world are either unclean or unsafe. This…

Archie picture story

Caught by Surprise!

BEAUTY is all around us, but we were really pleased to hear that Trinity’s Eco Champion Archie Whymark had been stopped in his tracks last weekend when a picture in the Hub Gallery’s exhibition grabbed his attention. The latest display of artwork is by students from Gosha Gibeck art classes, and one resonated with Archie…

Treeplanting Oct 23

Trinity Hub branches out

AS the old proverb says, ‘from little acorns mighty oaks grow’, and never was this more evident than at the half term family tree-planting activity at Trinity. Organised by the Ribble Rivers Trust, the event saw parents help their children to plant acorns in seed trays which would then be looked after at the trust’s…

Peter Service 2

Caring For God’s Earth

A BEAUTIFUL service, crafted by Peter Lumsden, was performed at church last Sunday. Entitled ‘Caring For God’s Earth’, it gave the opportunity for our Eco Group to inform the congregation of the work they are doing. Eco Group member Lisa Bridgeman did an interview style performance, aided by her son Brennan, and there was a…