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We’ve got the power … and the keys!

Congratulations to the volunteers, fundraisers and sponsors who have finally achieved the dream! On Friday 18th June the buildings development team at Trinity Methodist Church received the keys to the extension and renovated church hall,, complete with new kitchen, street community cafe, disabled toilet, access to and from the castle park and shiny bright new…

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Live Worship – no longer any need to book!

You do not now need to book to attend the 4pm service on Sundays at Trinity. With the gallery now available in a Covid-secure way, the registered capacity of the church has been raised to 75 people. There is still no hymn singing due to continuing public health restrictions and government guidelines.  Please remember to wear a face covering and…

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Obituary Notice: Alan Braithwaite (1945- 2021)

Thanks to the partial lifting of Covid restrictions and Zoom webinar technology over 100 people, including connections in Canada and Australia were able to gather online and in person to celebrate the life of a loved member of the Trinity family, Alan Braithwaite. We send our sincere condolences and prayers to the family who have…

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Flashback to 1995: Youth Club Sleep Out

When moving house recently, Church member, Joan Willock came across a clipping from the Clitheroe Advertiser, December 1995 and these accompanying photos. Trinity Church Youth Club were taking part in a national demonstration organised by the Methodist Association of Youth Clubs to raise awareness of the plight of the homeless. Anyone you recognise?  

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A special Pentecost & Aldersgate service led by Revd Tony, Revd Lansford, and Deacon Ali can be heard on all 39 BBC Local Radio stations this Sunday 23rd May at 8 a.m.  Some of the music included will be from the Methodist Central Hall Choir and congregation. Please do tune in on radio or online! However,…

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Ribbons to Remember – Sunday 23rd May (2-4pm)

Trinity’s Crafternoon team have been busy recycling and reusing indoor Easter displays to create four 8 foot external banners which will be able to be seen outside the church as an act of witness of God’s goodness and grace in our community. The beautiful flowers were originally created during Lent when the group gathered online…

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Pentecost Doves – that’s the Spirit!

Our Crafternoon team are at it again! We are busy making doves for our next outdoor installation for Pentecost Sunday which is celebrated on the 50th day (the seventh Sunday) from Easter Sunday. This is the day that Christians commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ…

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Christian Aid Week 10 – 16 May 2021

Ribble Valley Christian Aid Group has been busy with plans for Christian Aid Week this year, which is from 10th to 16th May. The countries we support have been hit even more from climate change and the Covid pandemic this year, so we really hope that every church community in the Ribble Valley can contribute…

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Join the Journey – worship with us in May 2021

As lockdown restrictions change there are more ways to enjoy worship at Trinity and keep Covid safe throughout May 2021. ZOOM ONLINE WORSHIP SUNDAYS 11AM Our weekly Zoom service starts at 11am, with an opportunity join the meeting early from 10.30am to catch up with friends or stick around afterwards for a virtual coffee in…

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Tim’s Leap of Love

A miserable May Bank Holiday Monday didn’t put a stop to Tim Bridgeman’s daring fundraising leap from an aeroplane. He just moved it a day earlier! Tim is raising money and awareness for SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) a cause close to his heart. Back down to earth, Tim said: ‘What an amazing experience! The…

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Love this Calling

God calls each person to embrace their Christian vocation and to express this calling without reservation. The stories and testimonies in issue 22 of the connexion demonstrate the breathtaking breadth and depth of God’s imagination as God calls people in so very many and various ways to follow Jesus.” the connexion is a free magazine about…

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Eco Church News

An update from Archie Whymark, Climate Emergency Champion I am grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to submit a monthly prayer to the Trinity Prayer Rota. This has caused me a great deal of heart-searching. What do we need to pray for? It reminds me of the old story about a ship…

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We are OPEN – come and see!

Over 2000 individually crafted flowers were unveiled as part of the celebration of the resurrection at Trinity Methodist Church on Easter Sunday, transforming the worship space into a colourful studio for a live service for people to watch from home led by Rev Ian Humphreys. The items had been created as part of a Making…

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Open For Easter!

Brighter days are coming! On Easter Sunday, Reverend Ian Humphreys will provide a walk through communion between 2pm – 4pm. We are also open on Bank Holiday Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th between 2-3.30pm if you would like to enter the church building for a brief moment of reflection and private prayer in…